Originally Posted by brian1975
Btw could you not just punch jack layton in the face? I get the feeling that no matter what paul martin or the liberal party did that he would be against it.
Actually, don't be so hard on Jack, Harper is twice as bad, and the Bloc leader du jour is like the Monty Python auto-arguement guy who just says the opposite of whatever anyone else says, even if it doesn't make sense. Really, it's not their fault, it the way the system was designed.
Any political system that is based on some adversarial level, as many of them are, tend to not allow cooperation and instead encourage disagreement. The idea is that, through prolonged debate, workable solutions can appear as legislation.
However, the fuckers that have been in power for the last 40 years have decided that prolonged debate really means disagreeing with everything, name-calling, insult shouting and various other juvenille activity that wastes everybody's time, costs us all a boatload of money, and makes our political system work somewhat like a car with no transimission - lots of energy use, lots of spinning, but no movement.
It really makes me sad that we have reached this level of performance - very, very sad. It's just pathetic.
Time for a new system.
Anarchy Now!