I'd hold off on any heavy work for now. There's always some error but 169 is beyond a comfortable fudge factor, assuming you're on the good side. Consider room temperature and what'll happen in the Spring/Summer as case temps rise.
Under the HSF, I remember installing the processor, and then setting the HSF over top of it. Do not recall messing with anything. Then again, it was last week, and lately I haven't remember what I've done yesterday.
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I'd check the processor area for airflow. Is there a good exhaust path or is the air recycling? Does the power supply have an inlet just above? Is there a case outlet fan nearby?
If case airflow isn't helping I'd check the processor/HS junction. The stock pad is easily damaged so be prepared with thermal compound. Clean both sides with alcohol and apply a grain of rice sized blob (large rice but small blob) in the center. If this was a problem you'll see some change immediately, though the interface will improve over the following days as the compound settles in.