I think the whole idea of there being an "outcry" about what Cosby said was overblown if not invented by the media. Most of the criticism was by people who didn't actually hear what Cosby said and were just relying on the media's flawed reporting to judge his comments.
The most valid criticism was that Cosby didn't offer any real solutions other than naively telling people to change. Then again, just putting these issues out there does move us in the right direction by forcing people to accept that there is a problem and that they need to deal with it.
But how do we deal with it? It's hard to figure out how much of it is due to culture (like rap music) and how much of it is due to young black kids seeing crime, athletics, or entertainment as their easiest pathways to success.
Even if you say rap music is a big part of the problem, how would you propose solving that? Should there be a ban on rap music that contains counterproductive lyrics? Should we try to promote more positive rap music? The music industry would say that violence and sex is what sells. On a personal level, Spike seems to be trying to create films with positive messages for the black community, but it's hard to see him take it further than that.
If you say that the main problem is a lack of black role models who studied hard, went to college, and got a good job, how do you solve that? Affirmative action might be one way, but it's been going on for some time now and doesn't seem to have produced the results we would have hoped for.