It most definitely was racial profiling.
If it was a sensitive area, why wasn't it roped off or guards posted? Sounds like the security people screwed up and took the lazy way out.
At least they weren't beaten so that's good.
So, why weren't white males racial-profiled after Oklahoma? Cimmaron, I don't understand your logic - your correlation doesn't add up.
Racial descriptives are not determinants of behavior or crime. Individuals are. If I get mugged by a white man, does that mean all white people are bad? All crimes committed against me have been by white people. Does that mean all white people committ crimes? I f I strike first would I be justified? should I pint out all white people to security cause they have committed so many crimes in the past?
Let's just call it what it is and go from there. So it's racial profliling. Now what? Well, we work on it. It sounds like the security guys were at least civil and stuff so that's good. Education would help. Better training, better planning. We can't be pulling over every black guy or searching every Latino in this country out of some irrational fear. Now it's the Muslims who can be anywhere from black to white. Hard to profile accruately eh? What about Latinos or Hindus that get mixed up in it even though they're not muslim?
So then, are white Muslims going to be profiled too? Could be problematic eh? see, racial profiling is a cop out - it's BAD police work, lazy and unprofessional.
My guess is that the people who don't think this is profiling have never been profiled before.