I went and saw it yesterday...
It was alright, but it wasn't as good as the first. I picked out the two main plot twists about 15 minutes into the movie - what they all had in common, and why that reverse-bear-trap girl was there.
The one thing that did kinda get on my nerves, though is...
Spoiler: The whole premise of being stuck inside that house. I mean - they had many people in there, and plaster isn't hard to break. The only door they broke through was the one that had "Exit" painted on it? And they were surprised when they found metal there?
I dunno, I guess I just would have been more satisfied if they stayed in the house to avoid releasing the nerve gas outside, or to find the antidote, or something. Being trapped inside a house for that long when you have tools available to break down walls seems a bit ridiculous...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...