Sorry about that doncalypso. Your post seemed a tad on the harsh side. I guess you were just saying things I didn't like about somebody I love. But those very well may be the things I need to hear, and your input is appreciated.
I am in Iraq and will have no means to talk to her face to face for a couple of months at least. I don't think she's worried about me buying a 9mm, I carry a weapon everywhere I go

I do believe that she will consider having a relationship with me in the future. Perhaps I'm blinded by love. We shall see.
Just as an update for everybody I'm still talking to her, pretty consistently actually. We talked on the phone twice yesterday and when I got in today she had written me 6 emails. There is no doubt in my mind that this chick loves me guys. She is confused about what she wants right now though.
We are officially broken up at this point and I'm trying to create some space between us. I've been following daniels advice and writing emails but not sending them. After one day it seems that she's already showing much more interest in me. I think perhaps the relationship just got stagnant and we needed a big issue to break through it or something.
We will see where it goes. I am optomistic at this point. Perhaps I shouldn't be, because I don't really want to have my heart broken over and over again. But I think it's worth the risk. It may be true that I should sever all communications for a while so we can both figure out what we want, but I don't want to drive her away.