What we are as Americans
I’d like to remind everyone that one of our founding fathers once said that the masses were on the whole dim witted and unfit to run the country, a beast to be controlled. So the next time our dear leader, Mr. Bush, makes a statement on whatever he would like quoting majority support by the American “mass” remember that years ago slavery was supported by the mass; that years ago women’s suffrage was considered by the mass to be ludicrous. Just because it is accepted by the mass does not mean that it is correct. The mass will see its faults eventually, because after all hindsight is 20/20 but in the meantime don’t quote me numbers, percentages, condemnations and resolutions that must be fact because the masses say they are.
In 20 years we could look back, and think to ourselves how could we not grant gay men and women their right to marry, the constitution says equal rights to all right. Is this not how we look back now and think of suffrage and slavery.
There is a reason we are not a democracy. That’s right not a democracy. We are a Democratic Republic…and if you don’t know the difference…well dammit that’s what Hamilton was saying.
Look, learn, and remember what we are. What the mob is, what the government is and what popular opinion is, simply opinion. Time and discussion will define truths and maybe we will be lucky enough to see them and understand them before we pass on.
Too political? Thought maybe it was, but I didn't want to post it right next to my other thread