Originally Posted by doncalypso
All her talk was bullshit Womanese talk and she really means that she has no interest level in you anymore and she wants to fuck other guys.
She wants to go have lots of wild and crazy sex---with other men. This woman insulted you big time and you took it.
You can't take her word for it on the phone. The telephone is one of women's greatest weapons (other than witholding sex).
Would you really want to take her back a year or two from now knowing she's probably been purposefully hooking up with guys you hate or guys you would hate just to spite you?
Wow, you have some serious issues with women. What she did was be honest and upfront with her boyfriend about what she was feeling. She could have gone behind his back and never told him and being in a long distance relationship gotten away with it, but instead she chose to communicate with him in a mature way. People grow apart, it doens't make them a bad person or turn women into spiteful sex crazed liars like you seem to think.
As to the original intent of this thread - I agree with what everyone has said here already. She is wanting to have the freedom to move on, date other people, and you're only setting yourself up for more pain if you let yourself keep believing she will come back to you. It's possible that she might after having had the chance to see what else is out there, but the harder you try to hold on the more she is going to want to push away. Secret and I have been in a long distnace relationship for many years already. There was a time when I met another guy and was strongly interested in him. I didn't love Secret any less, I just needed the freedom to explore that possiblity and he gave it to me. Ultimately it made me realize how much I did love Secret and it made our relationship stronger. Regardless of how it all ends, giving her your support to make that decision is the best thing to do. Take this opportunity to see other people yourself. It may be a permanent break for you two, or it may be the refreshing time apart that some people need. Either way, the best thing for you to do right now is simply give both yourself and her the freedom to see other people right now.