The "role model" position is about sending the right message- in this case, it's that you should be comfortable with who you are, that we're all different, and that uniqueness collectively make us better, which has nothing whatsoever to do with hetero- or homosexuality.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Of COURSE it should. Being a role model goes beyond being good at one thing, its how one lives ones life beyond the sport. I'm sure she could be a role model for young, in the closet, lesbians, and she IS suited for that, but how she lives her life would not be a good role model for Sara Hetero. To me a roll model is someone you wish to emulate and be like, and sexual preference is a big part of that.
Are you trying to say she'll turn "Sara Hetero" gay just because she looks up to her as a good, positive influence?
Oh my God, a lesbian role model! The race will die out from an entire generation of straight girls turned queer by the lesbian basketball player! Lock up your sons, too! We don't want education and tolerance getting to them, either!