Oy that was a long read... Thought provoking though.
I can't really come down on ether side as to wither or not she's looking at the past through rose glasses, you're right in that just because people were married doesn't mean that things were any better. But one of her main points was also that people has roles that they were expected to fill. Not to say that the generic roles of being a 'father' or 'mother' were good roles but in contrast to society today where there are no real expectations of us. Wither or not society has expectations of us being a good thing though is a matter of opinion. On the one hand it leaves each of us free to make our own choices as to what we value, on the other there is no drive or push for us to accomplish anything.
Where I really have to disagree with her though is in the last part of the article, the genie isn't going back into the bottle. Contraception isn't going away, and neither are women going to go back to the kitchen, as it were. And, as a man with younger sisters coming up though college now I wouldn't have a return to the ways of our grandparents. I want them to be free to pick the lifestyle they want, even if they pick one that they grow to despise, I consider that to be their right.
Hmmm, I think as far as I'm concerned yes the past has it's good points, but I don't want to return to it. I like being able to treat women as equals.