Originally Posted by smooth
I'm pretty sure he's discussing the overall trajectory of the republican party; that is, a unified front between two fundamentally incompatible interests: populist & economic elites.
This is the frature that is starting to show it's seams. I have no idea what precipitated it, other than good ole time. But I have to wonder of the tactical ramifcations, if that is, the cracking facade is planned. Perhaps one wing thinks itself strong enough to assert it's muscle?
This would square with the notion of Bush's pre-emptive stance on politcs.
But, since I see Busg, et al, as Machiavellian, I can not ignore the reality that they may have used the christian base for what was necessary and are now ready to slough them off.
1) the populist wing of the republican party misanalyzed the extent of its power
2) the powerful (economic) wing of the republican party is ready to slough off the populist segment
IF they were to do so, the populist segment would be absolutely nowhere economically, politically, and socially disenfranchised...I mean, haven't any of you who adhere to that political identity noticed the marginalization of your platform as this presidency dwindles down?
The sad point I think about ideolouges is that it won't matter in the long-run, because when someone stokes the fire, they come a runnin so the administration can defer their demands pretty much ?indefinately? <<< that is the big question in my mind...how long
EDIT: ok, this comment was intended for elphaba in reference to roachboy seems quite a bit happened while i was typing...
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