Originally Posted by Martian
Just a technical note.. it's not possible to get speeds that high on dial-up. A 56 Kbps modem will at most synch at (surprisingly) 56 kilobits per second. As Limewire to my knowledge measures transfer rates in bytes and not bits, that translates to a maximum possible speed of 7KB/s. Note that that's the theoretical maximum speed and you won't ever actually get that. 45 kB would have to be a faulty read. Either that or some funky caching thing.
Not to disprove you since you are right, but way back when I was on 56k I would download at 7 - 9 KB/s. Now I assume either it was a faulty reading or I was getting speeds of >56k, or (as you said) some wierd software thing. Is it possible for a 56k modem to go 56k+? Hell, I remember when 56k was blazing and personally I miss the days of pages being mostly text.