Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
It can mean the difference between being able to visit your spouse in the hospital if they're sick or injured and not.
Next of kin takes care of that pretty easily
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
It can cut down on your taxes.
Not always... most married people i know find it cheaper to file seperately.
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
It makes you eligible for health benefits on your spouse's (or vice-versa) health insurance.
My company, insurance for one person is cheaper by more than half for a married couple, and if a married person DOESN'T want the insurance, tehy have to jump thjru major hoops to say they are ok without coverage and will be covered by their spouses insurance[/quote]
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
If they die, a legal marriage makes sorting things out a lot clearer for the courts.
It's called a will - and anyone who doesn't have one -- gets what they deserve.
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Marriage also makes you eligible for more Social Security benefits.
Oh yeah that 2.98 cents a month is soooo helpful
Two people don't necessarily live cheaper than one.