Thanks for all your replies.
I understand. Of course from now on, I'll always talk about it first. I am honest when I say I didn't think about stoping her because of what the specialist told me. Since there is a risk (even the slightest one), I will always warn my partners from now on.
Still on the very fact of transmission of STD through Oral, I remain dubious. I've found statistics that show that the transmission rate through Oral Sex is very low. Plus I know that Health Organizations try to scare people with exaggerated statistics to prevent the disease. I'd really like to talk to a specialist about this.
Originally Posted by abaya
Well, this is what your whole thread comes down to... not the transmission of HepB, but rather, are you mature enough to have sex and handle the consequences, including taking someone else's life as a result?
I guess I wasn't mature enough, but I really thought it was safe. I also thought to a certain extent that having such a discussion would be awkward. I will certainly be more mature in the future.