Hey, I love animals; let me preface what I am about to say with that...
How would they enforce this? House-to-house searches? No, Ben, you have it all wrong... neighbours are supposed to turn each other in! Oh, great, just one more thing to make me feel alienated from my community.
If you come to my door and claim that I am not walking my dog enough, I will respond with an inappropriate amount of rage, followed by the words "Prove It."
To think that people have enough time in their lives to worry about the welfare of a 10 cent fish. No, even worse, about their fucking eyesight.
I know I am going to eventually edit this post, but man am I feeling jaded and cynical right now. Fucking politicians annoy me sometimes. Please worry about the big things first. That is what society is paying you for.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.