Is he afraid of a big wedding? If that's the case just ask him to pick two of his best friends and you'll pick two of yours and do it in on a beach, in a small church, in the forest, and don't bother with a crowd. You could just ask him, since he's said that he wants to get married, what kind of wedding is he picturing and what kind he'd prefer. If he gives you anything on that route then just tell him you'll do all the planning and have the kind he wants. I know hubby was freaked about all the planning he was envisioning. He also waiting till the last week before I went back to my last semester of college to propose. I have had several friends who's husbands took their good time to finally make the move. I think just asking is a big commitment and scary. Ask him specific questions and try to understand where he's coming from. Ask him if getting married would make him feel trapped, or other kinds of questions. Don't mention the word commitment, I think some guys' freak-out-meter explodes when they here that.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.