Originally Posted by iblade
I mean what is the purpose of testing each other? Is it to have unprotected sex?
Yes but my question is, how high are they?
The risk is great, especially if YOU are the carrier. Women are less likely than men to transmit STDs through exposure to vaginal secretions, but as you are male and the carrier of the HepB you need to ALWAYS WEAR A CONDOM.
Secondly, if your partner does not know you have HepB, you need to tell them, NOW. Do not wait. Then you need to see about getting her a HepB vaccination, pronto, in case of accidental exposure (she should have one anyways, they're always a good idea).
The point of communicating about sexual histories is not necessarily to have unprotected sex. Condoms do break; dental dams slip. STDs and pregnancy are risks that need to be discussed. Besides, if you can't talk about these things with a partner, you probably shouldn't be having sex with them. Frank discussion is ESSENTIAL to good, healthy sexual relationships, and if you can't do it, you should seriously consider celibacy.
Good luck.