Saw it...and was blown away. BTW: nice to see others using newsgroups, they've always been the real 'core' of internet fun for me.
So the demo....incredible. Now, the whole environment is not interatctive, but probably 75%, which is far more than any game on the market today. A totally deformable game would be even mroe of a hog than this one is gonna be, but still is kind of an ideal that I hope will come along some day.
The interesting thing about this game is that when you go back to something like UT2003, which is beautiful in its own right, it just doesnt look as, well, real. The only thing we said as we watched this the other day is, "it just looks so realistic." I find that to be the highest compliment. The outdoor scenes are free from aliased corners and buildings. Stunning.
The one thing i find really funny is that everone I know is planning an upgrade JUST TO PLAY THIS GAME. Wouldn't it be funny if there were a huge surge in pc sales from July to Sept of this year? I can foresee that hapening...just for this game. What a kick!
I, for one, have a PIII 1G, so yeah, an upgrade was already in my future. Now I have a really good reason to shop this summer!