Going thru all the years and drugs was worth what I have now and would do it again, albeit a bit faster to get the same results.
Only those who have tried and failed time after time can know what we as 'infertiles' go thru. Friends and family were afraid to tell us when they were expecting. One friend had had an abortion and was scared to tell me, thinking I'd get upset at her. The constant questions and 'advice', while done out of concern, but just showed ignorance, were exasperating.
I've had more people see my backside than you could imagine-co-workers, brother-in-law, friends' mothers who were nurses-all giving me shots month after month. Blood taken so much (visits were every other day while undergoing treatments) my veins collapsed.
I have adopted nephews-both brought home from the hospital after birth. Their parents didn't endure half of what we went through but they got their family quicker. So it's really a toss-up of choices-do as much as you can endure before stopping treatments? Or is having any kind of family enough and just adopt?
As stated, we started the adoption process while going through the fertility treatments. One agency wanted us to stop, but I refused. Another said they would hold our application for a year.
My twins were the result of what was then a new procedure where 5 eggs (of 15 taken) were tranferred to my one open fallopian tube, followed by (donated) sperm. The thinking was that fertilization would take place in its natural state and environment and in my case, it did. It was, as the doctor pointedly told me, my last chance before invitro with the remaining eggs-IF they survived the freezing.
This was our choice, MY choice and luckily, my insurance covered it. It's easy enough to tell someone 'just adopt', but, like Jane said, I wanted to feel the experience of having children and, although it got a little scary at times (ended up in bed most of the pregnancy due to complications), it was the best thing I have ever done in my life and was ready and willing to do it again.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.