Originally Posted by maleficent
I first saw this site in the nonsense forum... and while I assumed it was fake, I wondered if I could rent a kid or two as slave labor like my parents did to us when we were kids... The hell with impressing someone at the park by your babysitting skills... I wanted soemone to clean my house cheap...
Unfortunately I've found that no matter what age the house gets messier exponentially by the number of children IN the house. It doesn't matter if they are living there or not.
It's so much easier to keep a clean house when it's just me. Now Hubby and me - that's another story. Maybe I should put him to work more. How to make a hubby work - that's another thread.
If this site would make parents stop and think about what their kids are doing then good for it. Otherwise it seems a big waste of time.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.