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Old 10-17-2005, 09:02 PM   #8 (permalink)
i had a very simular situation i was with my boyfriend for a year and i fell pregnant we were only young but we decided to keep the baby my mum said we HAD to get married and we got engaged. well 2 more kids a house and 7 years later and no marriage in sight! i was also feeling a bit like the girlfriend who had his kids and i was feeling used basicly.
so i chucked the bigest tantrum and said if we dont get married i am going to leave, and i ment it, so to keep me there we got married. nothing special just at the registry office. and it was the biggest mistake i made , and when we seperated after being together for 15 years all i got from his family was u made him get married and all i got from him was u have to pay for the divorce because i never wanted to get married i only said yes to keep u happy.
i know he telling the truth about that, which is sad because i would have rather not spent the last 7 years with some one who didnt love me enough to want to really spend the rest of our lives together.
that dosnt mean every guy who is asked to get married by his girlfriend dosnt want to and only does so because she wants to, some times guys are a bit dumb when it comes to knowing what there partner really wants, and is maybe a bit scared as well, because after all its ment to be forever isnt it
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