You know I've heard of people turning down RL sex for porn and never really believed it.
I'm still not sure I do.
Something ain't right here. Its one thing to be asexual, its another to jerk off every day to pictures of women while fantasizing about it yet claim to not want sex.
Originally Posted by toby19
To be totally honest, the idea of penetration has at times felt ackward at best, and vaguely repulsive at other times, and THAT is what scares me. And yet I would really like to share my personal space with a girl, but a girl with whom I share a profound emotional and intellectual bond. I only hope that if that time ever comes, I will find that magic happens and I'll ride off into the sunset.
The good ones get taken EARLY. I learned that lesson in college very quickly and 'jumped on mine' her second week down there at the tender age of 18. The longer you wait for the perfect woman the better chance you have of being really lonely.
And lets say you do find her. You will have the sexual skills of a virgin teenager and unless she was as sexually inexperianced as you (and please don't tell me you count on a virgin) you are not going to 'rock her world'.
Dump the porn, stop jerking off, and meet some women before you come that creepy guy who lives alone, with a giant porn stash and a 'real doll'.