You're almost there! Just squint, clench your teeth and look down the road, before you know it you'll be home to what really matters.
When you look back, you will realize that 3 months was no time at all, and you will wonder why you let these two unprofessional colleagues ruin your time in such an exotic place.
I am will to bet that the reason these people behaviour is affecting you so much is precisely what you stated: you miss your wife, and you are battling homesickness/culture shock. Try to remember your original goal for taking this gig. Is it being fulfilled? I doubt that it was to get into these two people's good graces, but to gain experience and make money.
You can make it!
PS, if it helps you to quantify your issues, write up/document your grievances, and give them to your agent. At least he will have an idea of what you are going through, and be forewarned about these other people for future engagements.