Originally Posted by Poppinjay
I don't know, the steroid use, the drinking, it all seems pretty real.
I haven't seen it enough to get a sense of his wife, but they married after knowing each other for a few hours, so what could possibly be expected?
He is obvioiusly dependent on his wife, not in a good way. In a bad way.
He did really go on his morning show on Star 98.7 and talk about his affair. What's kind of odd is how his wife is at one turn very hostile towards the girl he screwed and protective of Danny, then a few minutes later will say she wants a divorce.
He used to go on the shows and tell the story how they got married the day they met and a month or so into the marriage he went to buy drugs and she laid behind the car so he couldn't go anywhere. He credits her for saving his life.
In some ways that's good, they've been married like 10 years and he seemed happy and like life was getting better for him and if she helped then that is really cool she stuck by him when he was down and dirty.
In some ways it is bad because you can become dependant to a person who helped you, expecting them to always be there when you fuck up. Then the helper can be co-dependant always expecting to clean up and make things right and be in control.
However, and this could be the case with Danny, there comes a time when the helper says "you fucked up and I can't take it anymore" then they snap and start fucking up expecting the same help, which usually doesn't come because the person doesn't know how to help.
So you end up with a pissed of helper saying, "you don't love me because you didn't help me like I helped you."
And a pissed off addict (recovering or not), saying "hey I need you to help me and you're out fucking around and screwing up."
So it's a very venomous relationship, and from what I've seen that's Danny and his wife.
However, when you watch the credits at the end, Danny and his wife have the production company that owns the show..... so it could be well scripted and acted.... but attempting suicide and going to the psyche ward is really above and beyond the call of duty.... but makes for great television these days.
All I can say is after all these years following Danny and his life, you never know what the truth is with him, he's a great salesman and the product he sells is himself. Again, sad in a way, but I can't help following and watching.