Originally Posted by Xazy
Interesting thought and I agree for the most part. I do not care how she worships, preys, does what she wants. But making a total mockery of someone’s belief publicly, making songs about an amazing Rebbi, a gadol hador (the greatest rabbi of his generation, consider it to a pope, but not exactly) in a song, where there are religious issues to even listen to a woman sing. Etc... That is where I say it is wrong. If she wants to do what she wants at home, go for it, it is for G-d to judge not me. But to make a public mockery, and bring about the fakeness to an aspect of the religion publicly like she has, is wrong.
Well then what are they doing listening to Madonna in the first place? She's not exactly a gospel singer. I compare this to Ford Motor Company being offended when the manufacturer of Twinkies publicly praises the quality of Ford's engines.