looks like normal gamer speak... it's like another language. it's fluid (no punctuation at all), spelling doesn't matter, grammar is right-out ignored, and some words h4ve numb3rs 4 l3tt3rs. It's like a cross between 1337-speak and the mindless gibberish and stat-talk the gamers started with, because most of them think they're "teh 1337 h4><0r$" anyway.
Of course, we should also understand that a large percentage of these types of talkers are 14 year olds whose worldly knowledge isn't all that developed to begin with, and this type of fast-paced lazy-typing makes their already poorly-developed grammar and spelling skills worse through the repetitive rape of the language in such conditions.
I'm sure some of you have been around long enough to have had a few "Dungeons & Dragons" buddies who'd prattle on forever about stats and mystical shit you couldn't make sense of, let alone care about... well, this is that for video games and this time period.
Oh, and i'm not a hater, I love video games. I just don't spend 22.5 hours a day gaming like some people do.