George Bush's intelligence...
This isn't meant to start a flame war, and since I’m a newbie i wouldn't want this to be my first impression. However, many people at least here in a blue state seem to believe that Bush is not smart, that is to say dumb. My opinion is that Bush is smart just not a very good speaker, I mean he does have a degree from Yale, and he did well in his SATs. I guess what I’m trying to get at is, what is the importance of a leader that can speak well and/or is smart? Can surrounding yourself with smart people be just as good as having a good leader? In my opinion it is what's missing in the presidency, there have been so many chances for greatness in this administration but I believe they have been wasted by a President that doesn't have the natural leadership skills that transcend party lines, I think that rhetorical skills are very important in that respect. Anyway, I would be interested to know what others think.
P.S. if this has already come up I’m sorry, I tried searching but inputting "George Bush Not Smart" gave something like 500 hits from the ones I saw they didn't seem like the topic I was thinking about.