all I can tell you man, is that jealousy will tear you apart, and your relationship, if you let it. I cant tell you if anything is going on with her and this kid or not, but I can say for sure it will eat you up if you cant ever trust her.
In life, as funny as this may sound to people that know me from here, I tend to optimistic in relationships. I make a conscious decision to trust anyone till they give me a really good reason not to. Whether you can do the same or can't is down to you.. maybe she was real nervous about her film in the competition and thats why she didnt pay you much attention, maybe she just wasnt with it that night... you dont have to always see the bad.
I'd honestly say, give her your trust, and let her know she has it, dont get pissy with her if she taolks to other guys or hangs out with a kid you hate or you think has designs on her... just straight up be open and say "I trust you, and I care about, and Im not saying this is gonna be iot for either of us, but I know we have enough between us that if either of us strays or doesnt want to be here, we at least mean enough to each other to be honest about it"... thats all Ive ever done, and I have been cheated on and lied to once, and I wont tell you it can protect you from a broken heart, but I dont think it will break your heart any MORE than it would get anyway, and at least you dont have all the stressing out and fear you have now.
Just make a decision to trust her, and let her know you do. if she breaks your heart, she will anyway... if she does, just let her go... you'll find a girl who wont soon enough if it goes that way.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas