At least in my case, when I had to leave it was the best way of dealing with a bad situation - how to deal with that desperation.
I'm easily depressed and sometimes I really can't stand to face what seems like an insurmountable problem, a giant wall crushing me. When your better half is not merely a long drive but a long flight away, to a screwball like me, it's almost like they've died.
So it's a lot easier to say "Sorry - I got to go" than to spill our your guts on a moment's notice to somebody who probably is busy or may not have the time to hear all that, because getting it off your chest doesn't even help. Especially when you've already talked about it. The feeling just doesn't go away.
Also sometimes if your girlfriend is on the phone and you know that there are other people around you just don't feel like bringing it up and saying that you're not comfortable talking with her friends around. I think it's kind of rude to carry on a conversation when other, warm bodies are present when they're not involved / don't know the other person on the phone because it at least annoys me when I'm in the reverse situation.
So I don't know if this is analagous to how other people feel, but that's the best I can do.
Oh and by the way Abaya, I'm 19, and as a junior in college, graduate students do seem a whole lot older. : p