A few nights ago I went on my first raid in Ashenvale with my level 18 Rogue. Here's a tip for the newbies (yeah, that's right, I spelled it correctly – I'm old!) If you're below level 20, don't go on a raid unless you want to die a lot! One shot kills, one hit kills. I was dying faster than I do playing Quake III. I even tried to sit down in stealth and watch the battle unfold, nope, some hunters still saw me sitting on the tree stump minding my own business and blew me away...Ka-BLAM! So I watched in wisp form which was very educational. I had never seen the Area Effect powers before. Watching the ground under the Horde turn to snow (ice) was totally unexpected
Don’t get me wrong, it was fun, and it makes me want to get to a higher level so I can get cooler equipment and spells. Who knows, maybe someday I'll get a chance to 'gank' someone…as soon as I figure out what the hell that means.