Those are 3 examples that are the most recent. Actually, it happens almost daily with about 2-3 of the same people. Picking up moods, etc. and the only one I am in physical contact with is my daughter. At least one of those does it to me as well, almost daily-knows when things are 'off' without any communication.
Without total scientific 'proof', I would not expect people who don't got through empathic episodes to understand them. I look at it this way: every thing on this earth, in this universe, is made up of energy, has an energetic metabolism, ie: nothing is static, it is in constant motion of energy. Who's to say what is connected to what this way and who is to say what energies we can or cannot affect and when? As you said, there's the ability to 'read' people by the energies they give off to you-'signs'-so it is quite possible, as I have discovered in my many years, to be affected by the less than obvious energies or 'signs' that another gives. Some call it 'intuition' as well.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.