OK, I've just seen some worrying pictures of a gentleman who's voluntarily undergone a non-vital surgical procedure called a
subcision. The results are not pretty by anyone's standards. I would post links, but don't want to upset anyone. If you must look, then do a Google image search (that's what I did)
Anyway, with this in mind, and bearing in mind that I'm generally a pretty easy going and liberal minded kind of guy, I have to honestly admit here that I just don't get it - at all. I can't think of any reason why I'd want to do this to myself, nor can I understand what it is about these things that is appealing to others.
So, I've tried to come up with the most often used reasons, and respectfully ask that people try and explain it to me. Because right now, it looks to me as though people are doing it for really scary fucked up reasons. I don't want to be a grumpy old bigot in this respect and I want to be convinced otherwise.
So what, exactly is it all about?
I don't mean to upset or put the spot on anyone, and I respect anyone's wishes to do whatever they want to themselves - I just don't understand it. And right now, I'll be honest, it looks like its a kind of scary, nut-job, "please stay away from my kids" kind of thing to do.