As an Albertan I am upset about this whole surplus. I feel the money has been stolen from us all these years, to make the government look like a bunch of heros. Our schools are underfunded, and outgrowing themselves.
This year my childrens' school has 300 more kids, and 2 less staff than last year. We just found out a couple of days ago that funding promised us to build an addition and upgrade the thirty year old school was again pulled for the umpteeth year in a row.
I am currently waiting for surgery that should have been done months ago due to cutbacks. Everyday I have chronic facial & head pain.
Our property tax went up 600 bucks and our streets are full of potholes & peeled asphalt. We've spent over $1000 this year on vehicle repairs due simply to the terrible road conditions.
And of course, I live right in the middle of oil country and our city pays the highest utility costs in the country.
I wish the money would go back to the schools, and the hospitals, the social programs, the seniors, and the disabled.
Ralph's $400 donation might be enough to pay my December gas bill. All that money paid out will be going right back in the government coffers. They won't lose a dime over this.
I am not bound to please thee with my answers.
William Shakespeare