Blogs don't make people socially retarded, people make people socially retarded!
The internet is just a technology. Sure it can be easy to lose yourself in the digital domain, but you can't blame the technology. Besides, my friend, it seems that by turning to us on the internet - instead of communicating with your GF, you've almost proven her point, no? All kidding/harshness aside, if you've come here for advice, you'll find many who'll give it, myself included. Now that you've read a few replies, get back out there and listen to what she has to say!
Prove her wrong by what you do and not what you say. Ratbastid is right - she didn't call you a social retard, did she?
!check out my new blog!
Warden Gentiles: "It? Perfectly innocent. But I can see how, if our roles were reversed, I might have you beaten with a pillowcase full of batteries."