Hey that's not a bad story. While one poster said that parts were irrelevant - I don't think this is the case. You've put down the experience as you feel it. It doesn't have to be logical, this is life as you've experienced it. I can relate to that.
For those that experience life differently. Lay off. We're all different.
What works for me? Or not maybe... I've not had great experiences with women , but I've coped ok with that.
- Hobbies are good. If it you are serious about meeting girls, maybe ones which
include women. If women are important, but less important than being yourself,
just pick activities that you enjoy. When I was in my teens/twenties I did
weights and martial arts 3-5 hrs a day, played piano, volunteer work. I felt
incredible. When you are achieving stuff, life can be wonderful. This helped
me put relationships into perspective. I was doing what I wanted... if there
were no girls handy, that was their poor luck the way I saw it.
- It's ok to see a counsellor (spelling?)... they have no magic advice but heck it
can be nice to talk sometimes. Especially if they are attractive : >
- Hypnotherapy (even a self hypnosis tape) can be useful in times of major
pain/stress. Seriously, it works for me - but not every time on first listen.
Anyway, it can attenuate self-doubt or pain.
- You probably take the opinion of women too seriously. I did. Look. How many
of your male friends do you take seriously as a judge of character. Of those,
how many have blinkers on (or rose coloured glasses) when it comes to women.
Ok - now apply the same logic, to the opposite sex. Now realize, that if a
random woman ignores you or calls your polite approach sleazy, this is
meaningless. Heck, for all the women who have ignored me I have had another
approach me with an offer. And you what (laughing). I found them sleazy.
Why, because they never talked to me after than one first time. But man, I
still wanted to hear from them again.
So call her back eh. Even if you've heard rumours. Ask her about them. But
then go try another woman... the more you meet the less seriously you'll
take this.