Why are my "friends" doing this?
Let me just start off by saying that I try to surround myself with great people. When we're around eachother we'll do pretty much anything for one another and etc. The one thing that really bothers me, whcih seems to be an issue in almost all of my relationships with friends is that it's a one sided friendship. I've thought that maybe I was being to overbearing by inviting them to hang out and etc..so i took the laid back approach. Well I didn't receive a single call from them for a very long time and finally called them. Why is it like this? I am genuinely a very curtious guy and really make sure that everyone is having a good time. I always have my friends' back. Still for some reason...over the last 5 or 6 years I am like a ghost where is it's not a big deal whether I am at a certain place or not. I am feeling really lonely realizing that I am not someone people think of when there's a get together.
Let me add that a lot of my "friends" are from different areas of my life and don't know one another...yet the relationships are eerily similar. I play alot of sports...and no matter how much we bond on the field I've NEVER had anyone invite me to hang out outside of it. I think because this fact is always in the back of my mind, I try to be extra nice to people and maybe it rubs them the wrong way...I don't know. Ever since I was real young I've either been really really nice or a complete jerk off if you walk all over me. Basically here's how it works...I always start out being genuinely very nice to people...most for some reason take it the wrong way and try to walk all over me. I then have to get into a defensive mode and don't feel like i can be myself around people. There are two or three people in my life who just make me feel at ease...other then that I'm walking on egg shells trying to make friends and failing miserably.
Last edited by dualman7; 09-29-2005 at 06:36 AM..