She sounds really needy. Some people can't handle being set aside for even just a moment. It's once you are more mature that you realize the world does not revolve around you and you can be glad that someone has other things to do besides pour all your time into them. It's likely that if you did give her all the attention she is craving she'd tired of it quickly and begin to say that you are clingy. It's in a big part self-esteem issues. It's possible she has a family situation where the mother or father spoiled her rotten and she expects the same treatment from others. Who knows. She will either learn that HER way isn't gonna work all the time or she will simply always be miserable.
Even though we're not able to talk to her as well on the issue it seems as though she needs to give you a little more space than she's willing to. If you really desire to be with her you'll have to give her that immediate attention she is craving and preen her a little more to keep her happy. If you aren't interested in that sort of scenario than move on and do it soon.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.