Originally Posted by Ustwo
They FINANLLY got around to doing this?
Its been a political hit job in the works for quite some time, I had forgoten about it.
My opinion is that it is disingenuous of you to post the remarks quoted above.
This link demonstrates that, given what has been "out there" as far as media coverage of the Texas investigation of Delay, and his well publicized move, blocked by members of his own party to change house rules to exempt non-federal indictments of house leaders from having to step down while under indictment, makes your statement extremely hard to accept as your sincere state of awareness. The house ethics committee was eviscerated at Delay's behest after it found him in violation of ethics rules three times last year. These developments seem, IMO, quite too prominent to forget.
Also, there is a body of evidence that makes it difficult for someone with your political savvy and intelligence to make the statement at all convincing, that Earle's prosecution of Delay is a political "hit job". It conflicts with the facts.....
FOX News Channel correspondent Brian Wilson echoed allegations by U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) that the September 21 indictments of three top aides to DeLay by Ronnie Earle, district attorney in Travis County, Texas, were politically motivated. But evidence shows otherwise.
"This has been a dragged out, 500-day investigation and you do the political math," DeLay said, according to a September 21 Associated Press report. On the September 21 edition of FOX News Channel's Special Report with Brit Hume, Wilson reported that "some say" Earle is "the most partisan Democrat in the state of Texas" and that "a good DA [district attorney] can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich":
WILSON: Now, Ronnie Earle, the DA [district attorney] who conducted this probe, is one of the most powerful, some say the most partisan Democrat in the state of Texas. As district attorney of Travis County [Texas], he can investigate anything that pertains to the state capital. It is often said in Texas that a good DA can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. And Earle is a pretty good DA who works before a largely Democratic grand jury. Earle once brought charges against Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Republican, only to have the case thrown out later by a judge.
But a June 17 editorial in the Houston Chronicle noted: "During his long tenure, Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle has prosecuted many more Democratic officials than Republicans. The record does not support allegations that Earle is prone to partisan witch hunts."
This assertion supports Earle's own claim about his record. From a March 6 article in the El Paso Times: "Earle says local prosecution is fundamental and points out that 11 of the 15 politicians he has prosecuted over the years were Democrats."
On June 17, the Associated Press reported: "A county prosecutor [Earle] already investigating House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's fund-raising committee for alleged campaign finance violations is looking into similar allegations involving Democratic Rep. Martin Frost."
A January 30, 1994, New York Times article reported that Earle was investigating a Democrat, then-Texas assistant attorney general Gary Bledsoe, on charges similar to those he brought against Hutchison.
In a February 6, 1994, article about Hutchison's case, The Washington Post reported that in 1983, Earle had indicted then-Texas Attorney General Jim Mattox on felony bribery charges. Mattox was Hutchison's challenger in her 1994 Senate reelection bid.............
Texas Prosecutor Probes Frost Allegations
Thursday June 17, 2004 1:49pm
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A county prosecutor already investigating House Majority Leader Tom Delay's fund-raising committee for alleged campaign finance violations is looking into similar allegations involving Democratic Rep. Martin Frost.
A criminal complaint filed by a Republican state senator alleged that Frost raised corporate money in the 2000 election cycle that was illegally funneled to state legislative candidates through a committee called the Lone Star Fund.........
...............Earle has been conducting a grand jury investigation into the possible illegal use of corporate money in the 2002 elections to help Republicans win legislative seats that gave the GOP control of the Texas House for the first time since Reconstruction. DeLay has said he has done nothing illegal or unethical. <b>Republicans have called the investigation a witch hunt being carried out by Earle, a Democrat.</b>
Ustwo, my opinion is that what you posted is not supported by the facts; it is more than likely a baseless republican "talking point". You post so little content that is not simply your opinion, can you please point me to examples of Ronnie Earle's entire record of prosecution of Texas politicians and their associates, that would strengthen your dismissal of the integrity and non-partisanship of this prosecutor?