Just wanted to say hello to each of you. I looked through alotof the threads on this site, and just wanted to say that I am a gay male, new to this site, and hope that there will be no tensions and/or issues with my lifestyle.
I am most comfortable with all aspects oflife, and all types of people, so feel free to say hello. And thank you for welcoming me to the site. ONe of the threads i noticed was as to why there weren'tmany gay maleson here. I am sure that there are a few here, but they may not address theissues in a public forum.
I am comfortable with the way i live my life. I am out to closest friends, and family. Being p, really makes it interesting, as I amnot out at work, and have no intention, nor need to ever do such a thing.
again, thank you for welcoming me, and look forward to chaiting soon.