Could this be an omen?
Ok. For the past 2 1/2 months, I have had a crush on a girl I know. We both have talked, etc. 2 weeks ago, I revealed to her that I liked her..& then she revealed to me that she liked me, also. We ended up kissing. Anyways, the next week, we end up seeing each other again & end up talking some more. She does however have a boyfriend, but their relationship is kinda becoming rocky, right now..
Anyways, this past weekend, me & her went into another town outside of where she lives in the state that I live in...anyways..we went to see a show & about 2-3 hours before hand, we went into my car, listened to music, talked, & kissed(again). After the show..we stopped at a sports bar..& stayed in the parking lot, & kissed more & talked for 2-3 hours. I took her home & it was around 2:30-3:00 AM when I got home.
Now, when I went to sleep however..I had this dream that she was getting on a bus & was leaving(forever). I tried to stop the bus to tell her that I loved her & never wanted to be apart from her, but the bus started going faster & faster & soon the road suddenly became longer & longer. I woke up in tears(strange isnt it).
I talked to her last night, online & she told me that she had been having nightmares, as well. She told me her nightmare & it was the exact same one as what I had(ok now I am starting to wonder).
Now, being that she still is dating someone & their relationship looks to be coming to a close & I, along with her have told each other face to face(ALONE) how we feel about each other, but also with the transpiring events that have recently taken place. I gotta know what you all think of this?