I'm interested to know exactly what kind of disagreements these are? Are they work related, or not? I've had my share of disagreements over work related issues with 'superiors', and nothing frustrates me more than the old "I'm the boss so shutup!" line in that regard. I'm prepared to swallow my pride over some egomaniacal wanker who can't handle constructive criticism. What I can't abide by is people who use their position in the corporate structure to force their way in arguments over non-work related things. If someone higher up is spinning shit, usually of racist or misogynistic variety, and you disagree, and they fall back on coded threats to your employment prospects I hate that bigtime. If they're stifling your contributions to work, try to find or create an avenue to bypass them, either by reaching receptive ears higher up or elsewhere in the company, or submitting in those corporate brainstorms, where he's not the top gun and can't cut you down without others seeing his behaviour. Clearly, bilateral discussions are a waste of time, since he's quite prepared to utilise his raw power regarding your livelihood instead of genuine arguments to have his way. On the other hand, if the disagreements are to do with non-work related issues, then you have to examine your convictions, and how far you will compromise them in order to keep this job. I almost got fired from my first job for not serving a guy wearing a white power shirt, but, hell if I didn't need my pocket money as much as you might need your salary.
Last edited by Kostya; 09-26-2005 at 08:53 PM..