I think that sometimes kids don't even hear themselves whine because it has become such a habit for them that they don't even realize they're doing it- kind of like how I don't even realize I am drumming my fingers on the table when I'm bored until someone points it out to me. My son used to whine quite a lot - and I would repeat it back to him - in the exact same voice he gave me - "But why can't I have some candy? I'd whine back at him - and he would look at me -just amazed and then we'd both start laughing. And then I'd say - "That's how you sound. Do you think that listening to that voice, I'm at all in the mood to give you some candy?" Being a smart kid, he'd get my point. And I told him, everytime you ask me for anything in a whining tone - my answer will be no - without question or argument. So you better start thinking about the tone of voice you use to ask for things." And it worked - he'd start out whining about something, and it was absolutely hysterical to hear him suddenly stop in the middle of his sentence and lower his voice about an octave to finish it. It is a phase - especially if you teach your daughter it won't work to get what she wants from you and it sounds like you're doing that. She'll catch on- so don't despair...