And no, it's not a firewall
So here's the situation. I'm downloading a bunch of stuff from a bunch of different trackers. While I'm doing that, I'm also installing a new program. To finish the install I have to reboot, so I exit Azureus and restart the machine. When I come back, I find that all of the torrents from one site (and only from that one site) have stopped working.
Naturally, the first thing I do is see if the tracker's online... and it is. However, about a third of the torrents say "Scrape error," a third say "OK (dht: )", and the last third say "Scrape OK." Except here's the catch: none of them say there are any seeds or peers, yet I check the tracker, and they all have lots of seeds and peers. And this includes both completed torrents and half finished ones.
Just to be sure, I completely turned off all my firewall and virus stuff to test, to no avail. I tried changing the port, which didn't help. I tried stopping the torrent and starting it again, as well as deleting the .torrent file, stopping it, downloading the .torrent again and starting the transfer again. It checks to see if the file is there, says it's X% done, then it won't download. It says no peers. I tried this with both HTML and UDP versions of the torrent.
Also, when I download NEW torrents from that site (which I haven't started), they work fine.
It seems to me like my torrents got corrupted somehow, but I can't figure out if there's a way to fix it. Any ideas?