Nobody can lay out a script for you, if you really want to know where the night's going to go you'll need to gauge the mood and trust your judgement.
Do make her a nice dinner, do be a gentleman. If she's the type who'd like you doing things like pulling up her chair, or even standing before she sits or any other proper ettiquette rules then do that. If she's more laid back, then just relax. Some girls get uncomfortable when you do those sorts of things.
Movie or tv and a nice glass of wine is a good progression. Keep the wine in a cooler or bucket of ice handy and refill her glass when it gets low, unless she tells you not to. This, so far, is just being a good host.
Foot rub or massage is a lot more than a good host. Don't get a table and candles and scented oil, but maybe offer her a massage. You know her better than we do, but she might be flattered even if she doesn't take you up on it. Do you know how to give a proper massage? It's a bit late in the game for Friday night, but you should learn anyway, it may come in handy and it's not really that hard.
Be a gentleman. I'm not talking tux and standing when she enters the room (although you certainly can go to that extent if you feel comfortable doing so). Lend a sympathetic ear but don't be a non-participant in the conversation. Note that being a participant means more than agreeing with her periodically. You have to contribute, or she'll think you're not interested in what she's saying and, by extension, not interested in her. Not the idea you want to convey.
So, yeah, there's some basic tips. And have confidence! She's agreed to come over to your house to spend a night alone, with dinner and wine. That is a very good sign that she's interested. In everything you do tomorrow night act like she already knows your interested, because she probably does.
And if you plan on any getting down and/or funky, I have some Barry White and Marvin Gaye you can borrow.
EDIT - As far as getting her shoes off, just make sure you're barefoot or in sock feet when you answer the door. If she has any manners at all, she'll follow suit. Or if you want to give a subtle hint, point out the boot rack or whatever you have for the purpose (if nothing, try 'just leave your shoes anywhere').
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said
- Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame
Last edited by Martian; 09-22-2005 at 10:58 PM..