Originally Posted by Vincentt
I saw the Xbox360 and the PS3 at the Tokyo game show.
PS3 was all pictures and FMV a.k.a. bullshit.
The xbox 360 was crazy, some of their games look really hot.
I don't remember the name of the mech game, but it was very impressive.
Xbox had a hot setup too, they set up lots of couches and tvs, it looked like living rooms. And at each one, they sat a person down and a hot Xbox girl comes over and tells you how to play the game.
Nintendo didn't have a public booth, so I don't know so much about rev.
PS, I saw Final Fantasy on the Xbox, now that is a big boon for the 360.
This has definitely peaked my anticipation. I just hope I when I buy a 360 it comes with a hot Xbox girl