First of all, I've never heard of Albertson's, but since it was written by Clavus, I had to read.
Sounds like Farmer Smack's (Farmer Jack) up here and they just started closing stores, probably because people like me who refused to shop there for a lot of the same reasons.
Second of all, I should know better than to read Clavus' stories at work, they already think I'm weird, and then they hear me laughing out load at my computer.
Third of all, adding this line
Originally Posted by clavus
4) Unicycle riding transvestite midgets will careen around the store and bellow show-tunes into the faces of surprised customers. Once they are suitably distracted, the “personal marketers” will slip extra items into customers’ carts.
made me drop my donut.
Did you actually send that to their corporate headquarters? You should if you didn't. It may get their attention. If not, send it to the local newspaper as an editorial, and leave in the part about unicycle riding transvestite midgets.
You rock man.
PS. You owe me a donut.