Wow where to begin.
First off, congrat on being happy!
But as far as the job / career thing, I have to agree that there is no right or wrong answer. As someone who went into comp sci, myself and started my career doing that, I can state my concerns I felt. Every year there is new technology, and new students graduating who know almost as much as you. You always have to stay on the cutting edge. The place you have to move yourself towards is a supervisor / group project role. I saw this in both software/hardware end, working doing consulting.
I personally at that point for no real reason, had a job oprotunity, with a family member outside of the computer field. I made the leap into real estate. I love my job, I am happy, the hours are even longer, but I am happy.
The key to happiness is being satisfied with your lot. Not sure if this helps, but that is my two cents.