Yup, the only thing that FF7 hasn't touched - anime. Spoiler: Last Order is based on the flashback of events during the Nibelheim incident involving Tifa, Cloud, Zack, and of course Sephiroth.
If I don't get Advent Children *legally* in DVD or UMD form before Christmas, I'm downloading a fansub. It's fucking rediculous. Their E3 trailer said "13 September 2005" for japan, "14 September 2005" for N.America. Of course, a previous trailer said "Summer 2004"...
I've gotta say, Square-Enix is great, but the release date teasing pisses me off.
Nibs is a funny word.
So here I am, above palm trees, so straight and tall...
You are, smaller getting smaller, but I still see... you.
Jimmy Eat World - Goodbye Sky Harbor