Before this guy can have a girlfriend in his life, he has to _get_ a life to have her in. Sounds like all he does is stay home, play video games, and maybe work out. If he magically got a girlfriend, he'd still mainly want to sit home and play video games. And have sex, of course. But how attractive would this be to a moderately social woman?
A lot of people have posted the logical advice: try to find a woman with the same interests, hard though that may be. But I think he's just not there yet for a relationship. The body is eager, probably, but the mind isn't willing.
Things may change. He may "get lucky" with an agresssive woman. Although in my view, such luck is a mixed blessing, as he'll end up in an unequal relationship in which she takes the initiative (because she wants to and because he won't) and he can only express displeasure by being passive-agressive as all hell.
Things will improve if he breaks the video game habit, no matter what else he does. If he spends more time out in the world, doing things, he'll get more experience meeting people -- men and women -- and get more involved in outside activities that aren't necessarily bars but are more social. Women will inevitably follow, if he gives them half a chance.
So: rather than directly trying to get him involved with women, I'd just try to get him out of the house more for any damned thing. I think you have to start at a more basic level with this guy.