No spyware here, but then again I have at least 3 programs for that purpose.
G-I got tired of being 'queued' on slsk, losing the connection, not finding what I want etc, and you yourself have cursed it plenty of times
The file control is really not much different-you designate and that's that, unlike Kazaa, which took over like some alien force.
Getting back to at least part of the original query, I do have one tiny, insignificant rant: large files that dial-up users share. It shouldn't take me an hour or more to download a 4 minute song with my cable, but because the one who has that file has their 56k, sometimes it shows that as the DL time!!!
Of course, with slsk, there's no way of knowing this til the dl starts, at which point I cuss and abort. Limewire shows the type of connection you will be dealing with, at least, so there's no surprises and no queuing for half a day.